ProTec diving center is a place where the divers obtain the qualitative knowledge choosing the right diving path assisted by ProTec professional divers.
Some diving centers among educational program also offer the possibility to buy as well as to rent the necessary equipment for the safe dives. Moreover ProTec dive center is the best location to exchange the experience and simply get together for those who follow the diving dream.
There are basically three main types of ProTec Dive Centers such as Premier Center, Facility or School.
ProTec Premier Center
As a premier center, a dive center must be able to offer almost the entire ProTec certification course program.
These are prerequisites for mixed gas trainings from the Nitrox to the Trimix course.
As well as cave diving courses up to the “Grosshöhle” or as an alternative to wreck diving to the “Advanced Wreck Diver”. In addition, the training certification course programs for rebreathers are necessary. A Premier Center should also be able to offer the training programs for instructors through an Instructor Trainer (IT) or Instructor Course Inspector(ICI).
On sale, the respective breathing lane (fillings or rental bottles with air, Nitrox, Trimix) and professional technical diving equipment and accessories are offered.
ProTec Facility
The ProTec diving school is obligated to provide the divers and non-divers with at least basic certification programs up to the Nitrox Diver. This is also include the supply of the training materials such as manuals and technical literature.
The sales outlet for diving equipment is not required, however there is a lot of attention paid to professionality of trainings facilities. It would be recommended to…
A ProTec Facility offers course and Nitrox course and nitrox / rental bottles or fillings from the base to incl. The program should be expanded with further courses such as cave diving or wreck diving.
In addition to the normal diving equipment and the diving training also technical diving equipment, as well as literature must be offered.
ProTec School
The ProTec diving school is obligated to provide the divers and non-divers with at least basic course programs up to the Nitrox Diver. This is also include the supply of the training materials such as manuals and technical literature.
A sales outlet for diving equipment is not required, however there is a lot of attention paid to professionality of trainings facilities.
We focus on the quality, flexibility and individual support of our instructors, this is the basis for a good and successful cooperation.